How we’ve changed to accommodate best practices
We’ve made changes to protect our patients and staff
There is no question that we are navigating uncharted waters these days, making life-changing decisions to protect our own health and the health of our families. Many of us, particularly those in high-risk groups, are facing isolation from self-imposed quarantine and likely have many more weeks ahead of us.
Fortunately, in today’s digital economy, it can be relatively simple to remain at home while still attending to our necessary routines and activities. We can shop online, handle most of our banking and bill-paying online, and stream movies and music. We can even keep in close contact with friends and family through social media and video calls.
While it can be tempting to postpone or dismiss those things that can’t be managed online, your health should not be one of them. That’s why the Vascular Center of Mobile is taking steps to ensure that you have access to the medical care you need while limiting your exposure to COVID-19.
- We’ll check your temperature at the door – Because a fever can be an indication of potential infection, we will check each patient at the door, before they enter our offices.
- One at a time, please – To help maintain recommended social distancing, we will only admit one guest per patient. This allows us to limit possible exposure for our patients as well as our staff.
- Keep your distance – Social distancing has become a common phrase in recent weeks, and we are embracing it here at the Vascular Center. We strongly suggest that you allow a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and any other patients in the office, waiting area, and even the parking lot. As a good rule of thumb, you should be far enough apart to barely touch fingertips with outstretched arms.
- Take necessary precautions – For your own health and safety, continue to take necessary precautions including frequent handwashing, social distancing (at least 6 feet apart), and avoiding large gatherings of 10 or more people. You should also limit your travel to essential appointments and errands, such as medical visits and trips to the grocery store or pharmacy.
- We look forward to seeing you – It’s important for you to keep your scheduled appointments or schedule a new one if needed. As a medical practice, we are well prepared to protect both patients and staff from the spread of COVID-19 in our offices.
If you’re unsure if you should keep your next appointment – or if you have a question that can be answered over the phone – please do not hesitate to contact our offices by calling 251-445-0075. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can.